Hepatitis B Screen
Hors TVA
Hepatitis B Antigen Test
- This assay can be used in conjunction with other serological and clinical information to diagnose individuals with acute or chronic hepatitis B infection. This assay may also be used to screen for hepatitis B infection in pregnant women to identify neonates who are at risk of acquiring hepatitis B during the perinatal period.
Test Includes:
Confirmation of positive results is performed as indicated, by a neutralization assay at no additional charge. • Samples with an index value greater than an established threshold and with positive results for other hepatitis B markers are considered positive for Hepatitis B Surface Antigen without further testing (neutralization testing is not performed). • Samples with an index value greater than an established threshold but with no other positive results for hepatitis B markers, or with an index value less than an established threshold but above the cutoff for positivity, are confirmed by neutralization.